How to Gain Muscle Mass Fast With Power Lifting Exercises

Some guys call them power lifting exercises but I still call them the best bodybuilding exercises to gain muscle mass. Power lifters seem to get a bad rap sometimes because they don't have the lean bodies and pleasing aesthetics of bodybuilders. If you've ever seen a power lifter that has leaned up and got ripped you know they can be even more impressive looking than a bodybuilder because of the raw strength they have with the muscle mass. Power lifting exercises can make you huge and you can still stay lean and get ripped if you follow a good nutritional plan.

If you have had very slow or next to no gains in muscle mass for the last several months or year try switching things up completely. Focus on the big 3 power lifting exercises. These include the bench press, deadlift, and squat. It's amazing how just focusing on these 3 exercises for 6 months can add a growth spurt of 10 to 15 pounds to any guys physique. The reason for this is that when you focus on those heavy movements with the intention of slapping more weight on week after week the response of the body is to gain muscle mass fast to keep up with the workload.

It's a process of simply using great structured routines to emphasize increasing the weights. You must keep an accurate log to make sure you are pushing harder each workout and using proper periodization techniques to ensure you don't get stagnant. You could spend 6 weeks doing a standard 10 x 3 workout. That is 10 sets of 3 reps with each exercise. Keep the rest exactly the same in between sets. This is critical to your success. The density of the workout needs to increase to ensure gains in strength and muscle mass. For example - if you did 10 sets of 3 reps with the deadlift in 30 minutes and then the following week added only 5 pounds but took 40 minutes to complete the workout you will have given your body more time to rest even though you increased the weight. This will create slower gains. Add the 5 pounds but then make sure to complete the workout in the same amount of time. Get a stop watch if you have trouble keeping track of time in between sets.

Power lifting exercises can be a great way to gain muscle and build mass when done correctly. Take a few months to experiment with these lifts going hard and heavy and you'll see the difference.

Get Huge and Gain Muscle Mass Fast with the Best Bodybuilding Workouts

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rick_Porter