5 Easy Steps to Lose Belly Fat

Are you suffering from excess belly fat that won't budge no matter what you do?

Have the flashy infomercials convinced you that your belly fat is directly related to stress and that they have the miracle pill that will get rid of it with no effort on your part?

Are clever marketing ads suggesting your can rid your stubborn belly fat by investing in their "breakthrough" ab-machine?

Not only is belly fat unattractive, it's unhealthy. You're probably aware of this and have tried to do something about it, haven't you?

Let's face it. You've tried everything and nothing has worked thus far. Stop playing games with yourself. This is your body and your health, and it's about time you got the TRUTH about how to lose belly fat.

Fact #1 on How to Lose Belly Fat - As frustrating and harsh as this may sound, it needs to be said. You will NEVER lose belly fat by doing countless crunches every day. If so, wouldn't most people have them by now? You can do crunches until you are every color of the rainbow in the face and it WILL NOT get rid of belly fat.

Fact #2 on How to Lose Belly Fat - Fancy and expensive ab-machines won't get rid of belly fat. Most the ab-gadgets marketed focus on spot reducing, suggesting to the consumer that all they need to do is use their "state-of-the-art" ab-device and they will get rock hard abs.

Fact #3 on How to Lose Belly Fat - Fat-loss potions and other "miracle" quick fixes will not get rid of belly fat. Many marketing companies wait for the next new piece of "scientific evidence" to emerge so they can use just enough "scientific fact" to create a product and make extravagant claims that hit the consumer at the emotional level.

Fact #4 on How to Lose Belly Fat - Fad diets are the worst of all the belly fat scams. Fad diets prey upon the desperate. They evoke restriction and deprivation, cause a loss of muscle, bone, and water, and in the end, completely destroy the metabolism.

What You CAN Do To Lose Belly Fat I know what you are probably thinking at this point and I now have you completely depressed. Alas, I'm going to tell you how to lose that belly fat you hate and have been trying to get rid of.

If you implement these methods I'm about to discuss, you will begin to notice your mid-section decreasing in size and belly fat will slowly melt off, the right way. When you take fat off the right way, it's less likely to return. The idea is to create control and then maintain that control.

Keep in mind that this is not a "quick-fix" and you will not see results overnight. Sorry, but I speak the truth. What you can expect is:

Continual belly fat loss over the course of several weeks or more

To have less cravings

Feel the changes as well as see them

To increase your health and self-esteem

Lose Belly Fat Rule #1 - Detox your body and organs. Studies show that a body that's been purged of impurities functions better than one loaded down with toxins. Cleaning your intestinal track is the first step to good health.

Lose Belly Fat Rule #2 - Clean up your eating habits. The eating rules are to eat natural food derived from the earth. Eat a small balanced meal every 3 hours. Taper off complex carbs toward the end of the day. Doing these small, yet effective dietary changes will purge your body of toxins to allow the nutrients to be utilized and it will also boost your metabolic rate.

Lose Belly Fat Rule #3 - Drink water. If you already drinking water, drink more. Water is vitally necessary in toxin removal as well as getting fat moving and flushing it out of the body.

Lose Belly Fat Rule #4 - Cardio constitutes as an effective means of reducing belly fat, provided you keep it within reason. Losing belly fat with cardio is a tool, not the sole answer as many people may think. Doing 20-30 minutes of high intensity interval training three to five times a week is sufficient to boosting your metabolic rate and burning fat.

Lose Belly Fat Rule #5 - Abdominal exercises are wonderful in building a strong midsection. When you build stronger abdominal muscles you will look and feel better, improve posture, and alleviate lower back pain. You can do a wide array of various forms of crunches up to 4 times a week.

Lose Belly Fat Conclusion The bottom line about how to get rid of belly fat is not by investing tons of money into fancy gadgets, expensive pills, and starving oneself, but it's in nourishing the body, purging the impurities and exercising.

You won't have a model-ready body by tomorrow, but in time you will lose the belly fat and keep it off.

Now that you have the TRUTH about how to banish unsightly belly fat, use this information to your advantage and you will be unstoppable.

Karen Sessions has been in the fitness industry since 1988. She is a nationally qualified bodybuilder and holds two personal training certifications. She has written 6 ebooks on fitness and has helped hundreds of clients transform their bodies. http://www.theelitephysique.com "Use of this article is authorized provided it is reproduced in full, and all web URLS are active hyperlinks directed to the author"

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Karen_Sessions

Easy Ways To Lose Weight Fast: Step by Step

Below is how to lose weight fast, step by step.

Step 1 - Clean out your kitchen and do away with junk food

Many people fill their kitchen with junk food which includes sugary snacks and drinks. These foods are rich in carbohydrates and sugars which when consumed are converted into complex fats and glucose. The enzyme responsible for converting carbs and sugars into fat would not let you live longer if you eat junk food more often.

Long term consumption of junk food and sugary drinks leads to the body converting starch and sugars into bad cholesterol. The bad cholesterol is stored in the body around the thighs, hips and waist therefore leading to obesity.

To lose weight fast you need to clean out your kitchen and eliminate the junk food and sugary drinks.

Step 2 - Purchase fruits and vegetables

Fruits such as apples and pears are rich sources of fiber, water and other minerals which help to accelerate the rate of metabolism therefore leading to fat burning, resulting in weight loss. Natural sugars found in the fruits help to act as a source of energy for bodily functions when converted into glucose.

Vegetables such as spinach and kales are rich sources of various minerals such as potassium, calcium and fibre. Calcium is known to accelerate fat burning in the body therefore leading to weight loss. Filling your kitchen with fruits and vegetables will allow you to prepare healthy meals and snacks such as salads.

Step 3 - Cook homemade meals

The majority of restaurants do not prepare healthy foods and ingredients used in making the meals are rich in unsaturated fats and sugars. Many people are fond of eating in restaurants or ordering food from fast food joints. While it may be convenient to have meals prepared for you or delivered to you, you are increasing chances of being obese.

Preparing home cooked meals enable you to purchase organic grown ingredients such as vegetables, spices and fruits therefore when consumed; one is able to gain the full benefits from the minerals and nutrients therefore losing weight in the process.

Step 4 - Drink water regularly

Water contains no calories therefore it is perfect for helping one to lose weight fast. Experts recommend individuals to consume 6 to 8 glasses of water each day. Many people are busy during the day and may forget to follow the regular schedule of drinking water.

The best way to remember is by wrap 6 to 8 rubber bands around the wrist and each time you take a glass of water, you need to remove a rubber band and place it aside. Drinking water regularly especially before meals helps to act as an appetite suppressor. This prevents one from consuming junk food or sugary drinks.

Drinking water between bites when eating helps to fill up one's stomach therefore reducing one's appetite in the process.

Step 5 - Join a Gym

Although all the above steps are vital to the process of losing weight fast, one have to also consider joining a local Gym in order to keep your body workout active. You do not have to consider expensive subscriptions when it comes to choosing your gym membership, as they are plenty of offers around you. Check for cheap Gym Membership deals in your local area. Remember, the most important thing here is to keep your body up and running, burn more calories, keep fit and eventually live longer.

In conclusion, how to lose weight fast is a step by step process that begins with one cleaning out their kitchen by eliminating all junk food and sugary drinks. Once the junk food and sugary drinks have been removed, the next step is to purchase fruits and vegetables which will enable one to prepare healthy home cooked meals and healthy snacks therefore completing step three.

The last step advocates one to drink more water regularly as this will help to suppress one's appetite therefore eliminating chances of snacking and consuming junk food.



Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jean_Claude_N_Matomisa

5 Steps On How To Lose Belly Fat

Many people are plagued with that ugly, hard to get rid of belly fat. No matter how hard you try it seems to stay.

When you have a lot of body fat to shed, your midsection fat will be fairly quick to melt away. This happens up to a point. Then you get stuck with the final deposits of unsightly midriff fat which are tough to get rid of.

Keeping belly fat not only looks bad but it's also very bad for your health. It's the internal body fat, called visceral fat, that is actually dangerous to your health. It surrounds your vital organs and produces chemical changes that can pose a serious health risk.

Additionally, visceral fat pushes against your vital organs, and on the outside makes your clothes fit too tightly. It can make you feel miserable.

But for those who have tried in vain to rid themselves of belly fat there is a way. So let's dive deeper into how you too can get rid of your stubborn midsection fat.

5 Natural Fat Fighting Ways To Get A Flat Belly.

1. Get Enough Sleep

As simple as it seems, a good night rest can help fight body fat. When we get less than seven hours of sleep your body starts to function against you producing fat building hormones that causes belly fat.

2. Work Out Before You Eat Breakfast

This is a great way to wake up in the morning and studies show that working out early in the morning burns more fat than any other time of the day.

Also, in the morning your body is full of energy, which makes your workouts more productive. As a bonus, the physical activity makes you feel a sense of euphoria. What a great way to start your day.

3. Load Up On Fiber

Eating more fiber is a great way to get rid of fat. Health care professionals know that fiber helps reduce visceral fat which can cause your belly to always look and feel bloated.

4. Get Rid Of Stress

When your body is stressed it releases cortisol which makes you hungry and causes you to eat more. This is one of the main reasons why people take on body fat.

To relieve stress take a walk or practice deep breathing exercise. The right kind of music can also be very soothing, and can be your companion during your power walks.

5. Stay Away From Junk Food

Junk food includes sugary sodas. Many snack foods like potato chips contain trans-fat which is a great way to pack on the pounds.

Instead of eating foods that contain trans-fat eat natural foods that contain fiber like apples or carrots in between meals. They are delicious, they will keep you from getting hungry, and will certainly contribute to your weight loss.

The best weight loss advice you can follow is a gradual change towards a healthy lifestyle. That's what these basic belly fat loss tips will bring you.

A gradual change in lifestyle is what will keep you lean and healthy long-term.

My name is Juan Rademacher. I struggled with my weight most of my adult life. After countless unsuccessful diets, I discovered how to use healthy foods to lose over 75 pounds in under six months.

Best of all, I was never hungry during the weight loss process. I can now control my weight without effort, and so can you.

Learn more... http://howtolosebellyfat-quick.com/how-to-lose-belly-fat-you-can-do-it

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Juan_A_Rademacher

Toned Tight Abs Vs a Simple Flat Stomach

I use to think that getting great abs was all about doing crunches. For years fitness experts have been teaching us not to do sit-ups, but crunches are the way to get six pack abs. I use to buy all of the popular ab machines you see on the infomercials thinking that I would get a good ab workout and a nice flat stomach. Well guess what? I was wrong.

I had been on a weight loss roller coaster for years, and back in 2003 I learned how to naturally speed up my metabolism and keep the weight off for good from Tom Venuto. As a matter of fact, my metabolism increased so much that I was eating junk food several times throughout the week yet I was still able to burn body fat.

The problem was that no matter how much fat I lost, I had never been able to get tight abs. Yes my abs had definition and was flat, but I wasn't satisfied with that. I had fat covering the muscles, and the definition was just a basic outline of the defined great abs that lied beneath.

Recently I was introduced to Mike Geary and his The Truth about Six Pack Abs program and now I finally understand what my problem was - I had been focusing too much attention on ab crunches. Crunches are excellent for building strong core strength, but terrible for getting abdominal definition.

The other problem was the junk food. I thought that I could eat anything I wanted because I was just going to burn it off anyway, but when it comes to abdominal fat that's simply not the case. In order to lose a large percentage of abdominal fat and have your abdominal muscles show, you must have good eating habits. I am a living testimony of that fact. I don't care how much fat you lose or how toned any other part of your body is, without eating properly, you will never get great abs.

Mike had taught me the truth about how the soy milk (which I thought was healthy) I was drinking was actually helping me to store abdominal fat, and how multi joint free weight exercises were better ab workouts than ab crunches. As a matter of fact, doing push-ups and squats burn abdominal fat faster than crunches. Don't believe me? Try it and see.

If you really want toned flat abs with plenty of definition you must adopt the right eating habits, avoid food that help you to store fat (ie soy protein), and do multi joint free weight exercises.

This article was written by Vernita Sherman. Vernita is a fitness enthusiast who is dedicated to exposing the truth about fat loss that weight loss companies are keeping from you. Vernita introduces every day people to honest fitness experts who are committed to helping people burn off excess body fat naturally. You can learn more about abdominal fat loss at [http://www.ultimatebellyfatloss.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Vernita_Sherman

Is the Future of Cognitive Therapy Similar to Training One's Abdominal Muscles?

The Wall Street Journal had a very interesting article yesterday, titled To Be Young and Anxiety-Free, focused on the value of cognitive behavioral therapy to help children with high levels of anxiety learn how too cope better and prevent the snowball scenario, when that anxiety grows and spirals out of control resulting in depression and similar

- "...new research showing that treating kids for anxiety when they are young may help prevent the development of more serious mental illnesses, including depression and more debilitating anxiety disorders."

- "But the use of antidepressants in children has come under fire because of recent evidence showing an increase in suicidal thoughts in kids taking the drugs. Partly as a result, many doctors and psychologists employ as a first line of treatment cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT, which is often just as effective as medication."

What is Cognitive Therapy (the most common type of cognitive behavioral therapy) and what are its cognitive and structural brain benefits? Judith Beck guides us here, explaining that "Cognitive therapy, as developed by my father Aaron Beck, is a comprehensive system of psychotherapy, based on the idea that the way people perceive their experience influences their emotional, behavioral, and physiological responses. Part of what we do is to help people solve the problems they are facing today. We also teach them cognitive and behavioral skills to modify their dysfunctional thinking and actions."

Cerebrum, a publication by the Dana Foundation, just released an excellent article titled A Road Paved by Reason, with background on cognitive therapy: how the technique was developed and refined, its short and long-term benefits, and future trends. A few quotes:

- "Psychological problems result from the erroneous meanings that people attach to events, not from the events themselves."

- "In cognitive therapy, patients learn through a variety of strategies to test their faulty beliefs. They then learn to appraise themselves and their futures in a way that is realistic, unbiased and constructive."

- "Various managed-care companies and mental health centers now expect their therapists to be trained in cognitive therapy. The British government has recently set up a large program for training over 6,000 mental health workers to do cognitive therapy. There are now dozens, if not hundreds, of researchers focusing on the theoretical underpinnings of cognitive therapy, or on its applications."

In short, here we have a number of major societal problems (anxiety, depression...) that affect people of all ages, and an intervention that teaches people cognitive skills to be able to manage those related challenges better. Talk about "teaching how to fish" vs. simply handing out fish (which we could argue is what antidepressant medications do).

Why don't more people benefit today from that approach? A major problem, in my view, is the lack of a scalable distribution model. Meaning, using the traditional face-to-face approach, one needs to create, train, certify, ensure quality of, a very large network of practitioners. Which is what, as mentioned above, the British government is doing: training 6,000 mental health workers.

This is certainly a worthy initiative. Now, is it the most scalable one to deliver results while being cost and resource efficient? Perhaps not.

We can view cognitive therapy as a method for well-structured cognitive exercise, where a key factor of success is practice. Same as training your abdominal muscles: if you just join the local club, which has a set of superb machines for abdominal training, but don't use abdominal training those machines in a disciplined manner, your abdominal muscles are unlikely to become very impressive.

We can then view the therapist as the personal trainer who motivates you to stay on track, to propose the right exercise routine based on your personal goals. If the trainer is with you the whole time, encouraging you to do and monitoring your abdominal exercises, you are most likely to complete them. But it is a very expensive approach.

Perhaps a hybrid approach makes more sense: the personal trainer helps you define goals, supervise progress and make modifications to the training regime, AND you do your own abdominal exercises with the machine that has been designed precisely with that goal in mind. There were no such mainstream machines only 50 years ago, before physical fitness became a popular concept and practice. Now there is one in every health club and TV infomercial.

Let's go back to cognitive therapy. Of course there is a need for more and better trainer professionals who can help patients. But of course technology will help complement existing approaches, reaching corners we can not even predict now, and helping more people of all ages better cope with change, life, anxiety, a range of cognitive and emotional challenges. Without any stigma. Just as naturally as one trains abdominal muscles.

There is already research showing the value of computerised cognitive therapy. A recent systematic review published in the British Journal of Psychiatry concluded that "There is some evidence to support the effectiveness of CCBT for the treatment of depression. However, all studies were associated with considerable drop-out rates and little evidence was presented regarding participants' preferences and the acceptability of the therapy. More research is needed to determine the place of CCBT in the potential range of treatment options offered to individuals with depression."

Yes, more research is always needed. However, we also need to refine the questions. Not so much "Will computerized cognitive therapy leave thousands of therapists out of work?" but "How can computerized cognitive therapy be used to increase the reach and effectiveness of therapists" and "Can computerized cognitive therapy help reach populations that receive no intervention whatsoever today?"

Please think about that next time you see someone training his or her abdominal muscles.

Alvaro Fernandez is the CEO and Co-Founder of SharpBrains.com, which offers resources for brain fitness and brain games. SharpBrains has been recognized by Scientific American Mind, Newsweek, The New York Times, and more. Alvaro holds MA in Education and MBA from Stanford University, and teaches The Science of Brain Health at UC-Berkeley Lifelong Learning Institute.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alvaro_Fernandez

Best Abs Exercise - 2 Sexy Abdominal Training Secrets

Anytime someone asks me what the best abs exercise is, they are almost always looking to lose stomach fat.

If this is the reason that you are researching abs exercises, then there are a few things that you should know before you go off looking for a new ab workout routine.

This article will show you why the best abs exercise is not necessarily the missing link to losing belly fat OR getting a six pack.

REASON #1: The best abs exercise in the world is not enough to lose stomach fat.

This is an important concept to understand. If you want to lose fat in the midsection, then doing hundreds of crunches is definitely not the way to go. Why is this?

The reason is that when most people try to lose fat in the midsection, they try to do it with hundreds of crunches. The thought is that the more the abs are worked, the more fat loss will occur.

This is a common myth known as "spot reduction". Spot reduction refers to the thought that if you want to lose fat in a certain area, you can do so by working the muscle underneath.

When it comes to fast loss, you are not able to lose it in a specific area! This is why the best abs exercise in the world is not enough to make this happen.

If you are going to lose fat, you lose it all over your body. Have you ever seen someone walking at the beach with a ripped six pack and flabby love handles and a big butt? Of course not! But when trying to lose stomach fat with doing abs exercises, this is essentially what you are trying to accomplish.

This bring us to the next reason...

REASON #2: Since you lose fat all over your body, you train that way too.

Instead of concentrating on trying to find the best abs exercise, try to concentrate on total body strength training instead.

Remember, the goal here is to lose total body fat. The real key to doing this is to reduce the calories from diet and raise your metabolism through exercise.

The best way to raise your metabolism through exercise is to add lean muscle mass through total body resistance training. Muscle uses stored fat as fuel when your body is primed to do so.

With resistance training, your body will be stimulated to add more muscle mass. Don't worry, it is impossible to get "big muscles" while on a fat loss program. If you are eating and training to make your body smaller, your body simply cannot respond by getting big muscles!

Raising your metabolism through exercise is the best way to lose body fat with resistance training. A great addition to this is also high intensity cardio to burn calories and rev up your metabolism.


Instead of trying to find the best abs exercise to lose fat, concentrate instead on losing total body fat through the right diet and raising your metabolism through exercise. Once you shift your focus and put these concepts into action, you will be on the fast track to having slim and sexy abs!

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Reprinting is welcome as long as the content, links, author bio, and resource box are all included and remain completely unchanged.

For more information, visit [http://www.thegreatcardiomyth.com] to learn about the biggest myths about nutrition, cardio, strength training, and more.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nate_Worthington

Personal Training Abdominal Workout

How to obtain the mid-section you've always wanted!

Why does everyone want the six pack? Easy - it is way more attractive than the more common, spare tyre or beer belly! There are thousands of articles everywhere you look on how to achieve the "perfect" torso. Most of them promising results. If it was as simple as just going to the gym three times a week whilst following a low carb diet, we'd all be flying out to Ibiza every summer, prancing around shirtless showing off our prize assets! Unfortunately, this is not the case.

Let's face it, everyone wants a flat stomach! The problem is, it's not that simple. There are so many factors that have to be considered when looking achieve this. Every single person has abdominal muscles. If you didn't, you would not be able to get up from a horizontal position. The problem is trying to get rid of that sheet of fat so that you can actually see them.

Obtaining the most wanted body part for men and women is quite the challenge. It takes 100% dedication to training, the near perfect diet along with targeted supplementation (BioSignature) and an optimal lifestyle. In order to succeed you must acquire some basic knowledge of how the abdominal's and core work.

To keep this simple so that you stay focus, I will summarize the torso up in a couple of sentences:

1. Core muscles - These are the muscle that you don't see but hold precedence when training your torso. The primary role of the core is to stiffen the spine, rib cage and pelvic girdle so that the head, arms and legs have a stable working foundation. If you are suffering from some kind of inner abdominal dysfunction, you will not get that flat stomach.

2. Abdominal group - These are the ones that you do see (assuming you have low enough body fat). Performing crunches, leg raises, sit-ups etc...will all hypertrophy these muscles. However, you MUST have a solid core before you start direct abdominal training.


If you really want to look your best, walking around shirtless for your next summer holiday, start working on them now! With a combination of physical training, good nutrition, BioSignature and an optimal lifestyle, you can flatten your stomach for summer!


If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got! Change your weights training programme every 3 to 4 weeks. I'm not talking about just ab training you must change your whole routine!

Whether your goal is hypertrophy, strength or fat loss, you should never stick to the same exercises and exercise variables for longer than 3 to 6 weeks. Train with free-weights, NOT machines (unless instructed by a health care professional).

When training on machines, you do not stimulate the core and stabilizers. Squats, Lunges, Deadlifts, Military presses are all excellent and safe exercises when performed correctly! They train the abdominal's indirectly, stimulating the core, resulting in a flat strong torso. If you are retaining a layer a fat around your stomach but are relatively lean elsewhere, you will need to look at your nutrition and lifestyle. Avoid crunches and sit-ups for at least a couple of months, especially if you're a crunch fiend and perform them religiously!

The chances are you're in need of some structural balancing. Your trunk flexors will be tight and strong in comparison to your trunk extensors which will be weak. Instead, work on your lower back muscles and stretch out your abdominal's. Perform exercises like Deadlifts, and back extensions (not necessarily on the same day). If you never train the mid section and have gotten rid of most of the fat then you could start training them directly.

Below is a sample routine you can try out twice a week. Side note: Abdominal's are composed primarily of fast-twitch muscle fibres, which in laymans terms, mean they usually respond better to the rep rang between 6 and 12, with a total time under tension of 30-50 seconds.

A1 - Incline leg raises. 8-12 reps. tempo. Lying face up on an incline bench of about 30 degrees, grab the bench behind your head. Lifts hips off the bench trying to keep legs straight as possible. Try kick the ceiling and slowly lower down for 4 seconds. Rest 30 seconds then...

A2 - Decline crunches. 8-10 reps. tempo. Using the same bench as before, anchor your feet at the top somehow so that your head is below your feet. Perform a crunch towards your feet and slowly lower down for 3 seconds. After you have done 10 reps rest 30 seconds then..

A3 - Side bends - 8-10 reps. tempo. Using a swiss ball or a back extension chair, anchor feet. If you are working your left side, have your left foot back and your right foot in front for better balance. Lower for 3 seconds and up for 1. Aim for 10 reps, rest then....

A4 - Back extensions - 8-10 reps. tempo. Using the same chair or ball as above, anchor feet. Slowly lower your face towards the floor for 3 seconds, up for 1 and pause in an extension position (NOT HYPEREXSTENDED) for a second then down again. Aim for 10 reps then rest 2 to 3 minutes and repeat the super set for another 2 rounds!

By the end of this routine your abdominal's should be in a little pain. If not then you should look at increase the intensity next time, NOT reps. This can be done by holding a weight behind or in front of your head, or between your feet (leg raises).


Without proper nutrition you will probably never get the results you're after. I'm not going to say that you should cut carbohydrates or fat as this may not work for you. However, if you have been relying on certain carbs and sugars for energy for a long time but have not seen a reduction in the waistline, maybe you should change to good fats and proteins. Here are some simple tips that can help with the stomach, along with increased energy levels:

Think before you eat - "that cake looks good, but I will regret it after" Eat as often as you can - 4 to 6 smaller meals instead of 2 or 3 big ones. Don't skip meals - If you do, your body will think there's lack of food around and prepare itself for this. Your metabolism will slow down and you will burn off muscle and retain fat! Eat Organic whenever possible - There's plenty of info out there on the importance of consuming organic, free-range products. Avoid processed foods and drinks - These are high in sugar, additives, bad fats and chemicals which our bodies are not designed to live on. Keep well hydrated - Drink at least 2 litres of bottled filtered water everyday. Avoid excessive alcohol consumption, especially beer.


Please refer to my BioSignature article for more details.


Follow these steps in order and you will have a much greater chance of losing that spare tyre compared to what you are probably doing right now:

1. Nutrition - Cut out all carbohydrates and sugars and focus on animal (and whey) proteins and vegetables (not potatoes). Stay well hydrated

2. Supplementation - For best results, I strongly recommend getting a BioSignature assessment done.

3. Lifestyle - Get to bed by about 10:30 ish every night (try your best here) and wake up at the same time every day. Find ways to control stress, if needed.

4. Training - Avoid excess sit-ups, crunches, leg raises and focus on big, compound movements, such as Deadlifts, Squats, Military Presses etc. This will burn more calories than direct abdominal exercises, and speed up your metabolism! Avoid, or limit sustained aerobic activities such as long runs. Trust me on this one!

Darron is the founder and Director of djd-training.com - a Private Personal Training company operating in Central and North London. His specialty lies with targeted fat loss using BioSignature and strength training. Darron's clients consist of busy Executives, stay-at-home mum's, Doctors, business owners, and more. For more info please go to djd-training.com or email direct at darron@djd-training.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Darron_Donaldson