Toned Tight Abs Vs a Simple Flat Stomach

I use to think that getting great abs was all about doing crunches. For years fitness experts have been teaching us not to do sit-ups, but crunches are the way to get six pack abs. I use to buy all of the popular ab machines you see on the infomercials thinking that I would get a good ab workout and a nice flat stomach. Well guess what? I was wrong.

I had been on a weight loss roller coaster for years, and back in 2003 I learned how to naturally speed up my metabolism and keep the weight off for good from Tom Venuto. As a matter of fact, my metabolism increased so much that I was eating junk food several times throughout the week yet I was still able to burn body fat.

The problem was that no matter how much fat I lost, I had never been able to get tight abs. Yes my abs had definition and was flat, but I wasn't satisfied with that. I had fat covering the muscles, and the definition was just a basic outline of the defined great abs that lied beneath.

Recently I was introduced to Mike Geary and his The Truth about Six Pack Abs program and now I finally understand what my problem was - I had been focusing too much attention on ab crunches. Crunches are excellent for building strong core strength, but terrible for getting abdominal definition.

The other problem was the junk food. I thought that I could eat anything I wanted because I was just going to burn it off anyway, but when it comes to abdominal fat that's simply not the case. In order to lose a large percentage of abdominal fat and have your abdominal muscles show, you must have good eating habits. I am a living testimony of that fact. I don't care how much fat you lose or how toned any other part of your body is, without eating properly, you will never get great abs.

Mike had taught me the truth about how the soy milk (which I thought was healthy) I was drinking was actually helping me to store abdominal fat, and how multi joint free weight exercises were better ab workouts than ab crunches. As a matter of fact, doing push-ups and squats burn abdominal fat faster than crunches. Don't believe me? Try it and see.

If you really want toned flat abs with plenty of definition you must adopt the right eating habits, avoid food that help you to store fat (ie soy protein), and do multi joint free weight exercises.

This article was written by Vernita Sherman. Vernita is a fitness enthusiast who is dedicated to exposing the truth about fat loss that weight loss companies are keeping from you. Vernita introduces every day people to honest fitness experts who are committed to helping people burn off excess body fat naturally. You can learn more about abdominal fat loss at [http://www.ultimatebellyfatloss.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Vernita_Sherman